This website is owned by Healing Springs Hope LLC (“Company”), a New Hampshire LLC (“Company”.) By viewing this site or utilizing any information provided you agree to the Terms and Conditions set forth below. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not continue to view this website.

This site is for informational purposes only and does not represent a client/therapist relationship.  This site is meant to provide free and helpful information, and to inform you about the counseling and supervision services that we offer.

This website is not intended to provide mental health treatment and does not constitute a client/therapist relationship.  The client/therapist relationship begins only after a consultation has occurred and/or you have enlisted our services for ongoing therapy.

Healing Springs Hope is a mental health private practice operating in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Washington state.

 The information provided on this site is not a replacement for counseling or consultation services. The information on this website is not intended to replace medical advice. The Company is not a medical provider. By using this website, you agree and acknowledge that the Company is not providing medical advice.

This website does not provide legal or financial advice and by consenting to these terms and conditions, you do not hold me liable for any errors, omissions, damages or losses that occur from its use by you or any user. User assumes all liability for any claim, loss or damages and you agree to not hold the Company responsible for any liability.

The Company assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of third-party links or content. 

Therapy is different for everyone, and the results of professional consultations and therapy may vary.

User hereby holds harmless, indemnifies and releases the Company and all employees and all affiliates from any and all causes of action, allegations, suits, claims, damages, or demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that may arise in the past, present or future that is in any way related to my website.

 Session Costs and Good Faith Estimate Statement

The fee for a standard 55-minute therapy visit is $120, if not using insurance. 

The “No Surprise Act” has made it so you are entitled to receive “Good Faith Estimate” of health care costs, when not using insurance.  A person may not have insurance or may simply chose to not use it for several reasons.  It is a good law as it was designed to help people avoid surprises in their bills.

 While it is not possible for a therapist to know in advance, how many sessions may be necessary or appropriate for anyone, this page gives how to estimate of the cost of services provided.  Your total cost of services will depend upon the number of therapy sessions you attend.  The actual length of treatment depends on an individual’s circumstances, the investment in the therapeutic work, and/or additional issues that may arise during the overall course of treatment.

This Good Faith Estimate is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment or a prediction that you may need to attend a specified number of therapy visits. The number of visits that are appropriate in your situation/case and the end cost for those services, depends on your needs and what you agree to in consultation with your therapist. You are entitled to disagree with any recommendations made to you concerning your treatment and you may choose to discontinue treatment at any time.   

As stated previously, the fee for a standard therapy visit is $120.  This is if not using insurance.  Most clients will attend one therapy visit per week, but the frequency of therapy visits that are appropriate in your case may be more or less than once per week, depending upon your needs.

If you wish to determine the total estimated cost over the course of a year, you could simply multiply the fee per session by the number of anticipated sessions. For example, if you see me biweekly, then you would multiply my session fee ($120) x 26 weeks to get a total annual estimated cost (not including missed sessions for illness, holidays, vacation, etc.).  Example given is: $120 x 26 = $3,120.   

There is a Missed Appointment Fee of $50.  See below for more information on this.

You have a right to initiate a dispute resolution process if the actual amount charged to you substantially exceeds the estimated charges stated in your Good Faith Estimate.  This is described as $400 or more beyond the estimated charges.

You are encouraged to speak with me (Karen Linafelter, your therapist) at any time about any questions you may have regarding your treatment plan, or the information provided to you in this Good Faith Estimate.

Missed Appointment Policy

When an appointment is made with Healing Springs Hope, I set aside an amount of time to provide you with attention and care based on your or your child’s needs at that time.  If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please contact me as soon as possible.  No later than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.  This will enable another client who is waiting for an appointment to be scheduled in that appointment slot.

I understand things come up.  If you do need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call or email me, I am happy to help you with this.  When an appointment is missed, there is a charge of $50.00 missed appointment fee.

If you are running late for an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can review our schedules and determine if there is still time that day to have a session or if we need to reschedule the appointment for another day.

As a courtesy and if you chose for this option, I have the ability to send email appointment reminders.  

All are Celebrated

Healing Springs Hope hold profound respect for all people.  This includes all abilities/disabilities, ages, economic statuses, educations (levels and opportunities), ethnicities, genders, gender expressions, gender identities, races, religions, sexual orientations, veteran status, and more diverse populations.

We stand solidarity with people all around the globe.

We hear you. 

We honor you.

We are allies.

We hold space for you.

We are a safe space.

We are honored to work with all those who chose to work with us.

We do not pretend to know your experiences, yet we are here and willing to be here to listen, learn, and support.  We want to take a moment to acknowledge that we may make mistakes.  We continue to work to ensure we learn from those mistakes.  We understand that the world has many injustices and struggles, and we also know that we don’t know what all those injustices and struggles are.  We continue to work on educating ourselves with this.

Any questions regarding this policy may be sent to karenlinafelter@healingspringshope.com.